viernes, 13 de abril de 2007

Paragraph about finding a job on the internet


To find the right job is very hard and very difficult and it might be easy for anyone that is a college student or a graduate college student. Many people are looking for a job but they do not find it because they did not study enough o just don’t need a job as much as other people. But anyone with enthusiasm could find the right job. And my experience finding a job on the internet has been great because you interact with people of other companies that are trying to look for professionals and I found out that there are a lot of opportunities out there.

4 comentarios:

Daf dijo...

Hey Jonathan, nice blog :-)

I am curious to know if you finally got a job through Internet.

Keep blogging!

Dafne (a teacher from USB, in Caracas)

Zuly Ramirez dijo...

hello... calm. in any moment you are going to find jop. but you have be positive.

vane butterfly dijo...

Hello!! Jonathan
I agree with you about finding a job. It's very hard, it takes time to find one, but you have to be patience. Because in life the best things are not easy to find. I hope you find a great job in your future!!

nice blog :)
see you later!!

javier guerra dijo...

this blog is very good, but you shoul more new entrances
yes finding a job is difficult but we can never stop trying